IMPORTANT UPDATE: May 2023 I have just received notification that Monthly Maps: May 2022 – August 2023 are to form the CORE foundation of any further teachings.
Therefore, I will recommend that anyone coming to my/Our Creations from Now are to please DOWNLOAD these for Vibratory Integration and attunement.
Soul Message: Beloveds, I have no intention of continuing with Monthly Maps. What started as something progressive and beautiful and exciting, surprisingly began to restrict me and ultimately I felt I no longer injoyed some of the group dynamics.
However, there is still significant info to be pertained in just these 5 Sessions, so I highly encourage to DOWNLOAD these and absorb the many beautiful, empowering holographic layers of precious frequencies we all generated within this Group Field.
I still thoroughly injoy to do Presentations & Courses, just not in a monthly context.
This is my new regular Monthly Maps, in alignment with:
… to give us an opportunity to come together and positively re-orientate in a majestic, beautiful and authentic environment, whilst injoying an immersive (and at times intense) Presentation/TransMission + Activation and Q & A’s and Group Sharing’s – to super rock your :
Month on Mission…
Thank you for investing in a beautiful “Creatrix” together…………. 🙂
if you have any issues, please CONNECT here:
Current/Previous Monthly Maps –
Here is a ‘Neutron Window’* of the Current and previous Monthly Maps :
*neutron window = Zero-Point Field : Mother Arc Stargate