Divine Image Destroyed - The "Scroll" of God 1
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Divine Image Destroyed – The “Scroll” of God

Divine Image Restored by Christine Beadsworth

Text and Narration: Christine Beadsworth Video and Titles: Rhema Productions
Audio: Destroyed by Fresh Sound Releases
Divine Image Destroyed - The "Scroll" of God 2

This is an exceptional presentation describing the “Scroll” of God-Eternal stored within The Body or DNA. Whilst it is presented in a religious undertone, I don’t believe this detracts from the pure ESSENCE intended.

Important: However, please read about Yod-Hay-Vod-Hay System  (which the Narrator mentions) or Yahweh Matrix before listening to this so you inner-stand this Agenda and preserve your energetic structure from any possible lower infiltrations affecting your Field…. I advise to just then listen and pay attention to what resonates as Truth for you and what doesn’t?

And disregard any energy, frequency or vibrations that do not! Always look to the subtle under meanings, ie the foundation upon which messages are built.


However, I believe its essential to share this Message as we Return to Unity and Oneness knowing we are All Messengers of the One True Living God.

It’s worth noting that each time I wrote the title: “Divine Image Destroyed” I kept typing “Divine Image Restored” instead. So reframes are occurring on a molecular level as we speak.

see: https://arcofaurora.com/dynamic-network-access-dna-5d-3d/

& Happy Dancing Cells MP3 TransMission

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