The Great Heart Opener
Within the full grace and protection of my 12D Avatar and SOURCE SHIELD :
I Am the Great Heart Opener, the Heart I AM
I Am the Open Doorway to Infinite Possibilities coming My Way..
I Am the Light, the Light I Am
I Am the Truth, the Truth I Am
I Am the Joy, the Joy I Am
As I take a deep breath in Now….
I Am Opening my HEART to All that is truly real in my world!
For I Am Remembering the Truth of who I Am!
As Legions of Mighty Christed Angels Descend upon my Crown
through my Channel of Light..
I Am in-breathing the Whole of Creation through my Open Door
For I Now remember my True Purpose for which I first drew breath..
I Now, Remember my True Galactic heritage and I Now, Remember my True Angelic frequencies of the Highest Order.
With every breath I take Now….. My Open Door expands into Infinite Realms..
Yet I truly know it is a Joy to be fully earthed and Alive in my physical expression.
As a smile of relief forms naturally upon my precious face.
I Remember, I Am the Great Heart Opener of Love, Love, Love , I Am
And So It Is! It is Done! Sealed in Living Light!
Thank you!
performed in a Frequency Spot in nature whilst walking with an ensemble of birds to Light your Way…
Please see An Angel Speaks: Sunday Update: 02/01/22 and Krystal Cathedrals
Lincoln Krystal Cathedral
“Fire Belly”