Declaration of Sovereignty 1

Declaration of Sovereignty

Declaration of Sovereignty


I release all remaining resistance
I release all fear still stuck in my body, my cells, blood and bones
I release all unforgiveness
I release all resentment
I release all guilt
All shame
All blame
I release all victim energy
I release all persecutor energies
All judgement
All criticism
I release all preconceived ideas
I release all jealousy
All hate
All anger
All grief, pain and suffering
I release all frustration
I release all need to control
I release those that want to control me
I release All manipulation
I release spite
All feelings of I’m not good enough or better than any other
I am releasing all remaining implants, devices, entities, attachments, cords, ties, vows, pacts, contracts, agreements, all and everything that binds me to the old, all that doesn’t serve my highest good any longer
I release all remaining feelings of separation from Self, others, my Higher Self, Soul, Oversoul, Monad and from Source
I release all remaining resistance to change
I release all suppression
I release all arrogance
I release my negative ego
I release my lower nature
I release all blocks, barriers and chains that prevent me from moving forward
I release all that blocks me from loving myself and others more deeply and receiving Love into my life
I release all outdated thinking, all belief systems, templates, programs, behavioural and thought patterns that keep me experiencing old Timelines and Experiences I overwrite and override all lesser DNA, all lesser codes and strands within everyone of my cells, atoms, atomic and subatomic particles and waves and all the spaces in between, down to the mitochondria, across all time and space, all dimensions, all REALities, all Universes
I release all and everyone that is not in alignment with my highest good and Original Divine True HUman Source Blueprint
I release all feelings of hopelessness, despair, depression, low self worth and heaviness
I release all self denial, all delusions, all illusions, all false hopes
I release all blocks around my heart and mind
I release all density, all distortions, all mind control, all and everything trying to keep me down and hold me back
I am releasing all interferences
I am removing all and everything that is standing in my way from becoming the highest version of myself
I am releasing all lower thought forms trying to discourage me and hold me back
I release all that is not love, not compassion, not understanding, not forgiveness, not ONEness
I am releasing all feelings of doubt, disbelief and confusion
I release every thought, feeling and belief that I am not good or strong enough to make it AS I AM
I release all feelings and thoughts making me believe I am not worthy of a happy, peaceful, fulfilled, joyful, balanced, abundant and love filled life
I release all programming telling me I can not have it all
I release all worries, all tension, all anxiety
I release my old self, my lower self All of me that I’ve come to love and accept and welcome home, I can now let go of all that is no longer in alignment
So I can integrate ALL OF ME
So I can release all that I am not
To make space for my True Self to emerge once again
My inner Christ
My True Divine HUman
My Source Self
Resurrected and Reborn
Like the Phoenix from the ashes
I rise like never before
As a new dawn breaks
I have arrived home, at last
I have arrived as the true authentic me
At home in my HEART
Pure Source Love
Nothing else required :

I AM FREE (slightly adapted) with thanks and love 💙