SOUL CARD READINGS: Living Light Codexx
An exquisite, TransMission of Soul to assist you upon your awakening path…🔹
Intuitive Ma-Starry, Mission Kees & Codes, psychic discernment, Galactic heritage, earth-bound release kees. Guidance, healing wisdom, Truth Codes, remote viewing, living-light Counsel, and beyond…
🔹A 0ne/w0n h0ur Reading is: £69🔹
This is performed either through live video call and a recording sent to you within 24hrs, or privately recorded onto mp3 where I invite you to be still in peace and quiet and sent to you via email, in a Frequency Folder, within 1-2 hrs.
To maximise your Reading, I ask that you prepare 3 questions to ignite frequencies and yet be open to the Great UnKnown.
🔹Each Card is blessed with Anoiting Oil and my Vibrational AurorA Spray and cleansed with the beautiful sound frequencies of Koshi Chimes and Lyran/Sirian Light Codes. I also use colourful tuning forks and aromatic Palo Santo, all bathed in pure love, Diamond Light frequencies and Highest Intentions.🔹
Please CONNECT to arrange a mutually convenient time.
Also, please consult Protocols page for extra vibratory support.
please know these Readings are purely guidance portals only and invite you to always use own discernment. In respect, I am not responsible for your mental, physical and emotional welfare, always consult a professional if this feels right for you. Please take the seeds that resonate and lovingly disregard anything that doesn’t feel in vibratory alignment. Kindly do not expect 100% perfection – as the power is within you to be the Catalyst of your own lifestream. I am solely a trigger-code to assist you, Dear One.
Also, please see here: