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CDT-Plates : Cloister Dora-Teura Plates : Freedom Teachings

(Cloister Dora-Teura Plates)

A series of 12 Pre-atlantian Holographic Disk Records form 246,000 BC. They are a small pale silver physical disk that contains massive tomes of practical physical and spiritual evolutionary advancement (Sacred Spiritual Science) teachings that are translated by 3 Speakers.

The three CDT-plates Speakers are always contemporaries and work closely and cooperatively together, collectively presenting on Earth the translations to which they are commissioned over a 12 year period of time.

The CDT-plates are holographic recordings, storage and transmition devices that holds massive amounts of data in encrypted, electromagnetic scalar-standing-wave form. They were manufactured from a form of striated-selenite-quartz crystal organic to the Density-2 planet Sirius B, surrounding a radioactive isotopic core, encased in a “hybrid-metal” silver-alloy compound organic to Earth.

They contain the full evolutionary history of life evolution in our Time Matrix since the last life-wave was seeded 950 billion years ago up to the present and also “future records” of the many various paths of evolutionary development of human and inter-dimensional, inter-galactic, inter-time races, which emerge from free-will choices rendered in our present space-time continuum.

They are presented to the races of our 15 dimensional Time Matrix by the Density-5 (Dimensions 13-15) Elohei-elohim-emerald Order, Seraphei-Seraphin-gold Order and Braha-rama-amethyst Order Melchizedek Cloister Breneau. (The 3 primary Founders Races in our Time Matrix)
Translation of data from the CDT-plates is accomplished through initiation of specific frequency transmitions, through which the discs activate to release their stored data in the chosen form of holographic, audio, visual or digital translation.

Among the numerous subjects included in the CDT-plates are:
1)   The Melchizedek Cloister Law of One Spiritual studies.
2)   Keylontic Morphogenetic (matter template) Science
3)   15 Dimensional Unified Field Physics
4)   Primary Creation Mechanics.
5)   Advanced Merkaba-Kundalini-DNA Bio-regenesis Ascension Mechanics.
6)   Kathara Core Template Healing. (Kathara Healing)
7)   Planetary Templar Star Gate Mechanics.
8)   Pre-ancient History, Founders Races and Angelic Race evolution.
9)   Higher Sensory Perceptions and OOB travel. (Out of Body)
10) Books of Maps and Key – The technical manual for Earth’s Hall of Amenti Star Gates and Planetary Templar Complex system.

They also serve a dual purpose in relation to obtaining manual access to the 12 Primary Start Gates of The Universal Templar Complex. The CDT-plates are part of a larger apparatus that includes 12 corresponding, larger silver discs called the Signet Shields.

One CDT-plate translator and speaker was the man historically known as John the Baptist (31 BC-34 BC).

Another CDT-plate Speaker and leader of the Essene “Chrystian Movement” was Jeshua Melchizedek. (Known as “Jesus” in the Bible)

Other translations of ancient times were dispensed through Speakers born into Hindu, Chinese, Tibetan, African, Egyptian, Mayan, Incan and Celtic-druidic Grail Lines.

The CDT-plate disk have been in protective custody within the Azurite-EOMC Eieyani Priest of Ur family lines since a cataclysmic event that took place on Earth in 208,216 BC. – Before that date they were in the protective custody of the Urtite human lineage.

The Maharata is the ancient Sacred Text translation of the Founders Races  CDT-plates from 246,000 BC, which originally contained 590 volumes, and over 500,000 pages, of non-dogmatic, egalitarian, Sacred Spiritual Science Teachings covering every aspect of mastering personal and cosmic reality.

Before intentional editing and distortion at the hand of Fallen Angelics and corrupt human power elite, the teachings of every traditional religious belief system on Earth, from Christianity to Buddhism and Indigenous Tribal Oral Tradition, originally emerged from re-translations of the Maharata Texts and CDT-plates.

The ancient MCEO (Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order) perspectives teach of the Inner Christos, or living God-Spirit alive within all things, including the natural environment. “Inner Christos” philosophies are built upon understanding of what is referred to as the “Law of One”.
Inner Christos Law of One perspective respectfully acknowledges the inter-connection, interdependence and intrinsic value of all components of reality in recognition that the Living Consciousness, “God-Spirit” or “Inner Christos” is the tangible substance of consciousness and energy from and of which all things manifest are composed.

  • ~ This extract from: “Voyagers: The Sleeping Abductees – Volume I of the Emerald Covenant CDT-Plate Translations”~
  • The information contained within the Voyagers Series Books, Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System, Tangible Structure of the Soul Accelerated Bio-Spiritual Evolution Program, and related materials produced through the 3 legitimate GA Speakers, represents translation of Ancient records.
  • These ancient records exist in physical form as a set of 12-Silver-metallic discs called the Cloister-Dora-Teura-Plate Libraries or “CDT-Plates.” The 12 CDT-Plates are holographic recording, storage and transmission devices that hold massive amounts of data in encrypted, electromagnetic scalar-standing-wave form.
  • Translation of the data from the CDT-Plates Libraries is accomplished through initiation of specific frequency transmissions, through which the discs activate to release their stored data in the chosen form of holographic, audio, visual or digital translation. The 12 CDT-Plates were manufactured from a form of striated-selenite-quartz crystal organic to the Density-2 planet Sirius B, surrounding a radioactive isotopic core, encased in a “hybrid-metal” silver-alloy compound organic to Earth.
  • The CDT-Plates were manufactured by the Taran Priests of Ur and Maharaji Sirian-Blue Human “Holy Grail Line” races of the Council of Azurline, often collectively called the “Azurite” or “Eiyani” Races, on Density-2 Sirius B, GA Signet Council-6 and guardians of D-6 Sirius B Star Gate-6 in the Universal Templar Complex.
  • In 246,000 BC, CDT-Plates were presented as a gift to the Urtite Human Race, the Seed Race of the contemporary human lineage, by the Azurite Races of Sirius B, in honor of the Urtites entering the Founders Races, Emerald Covenant Co-Evolution Agreement peace treaty.
  • The CDT-Plates contain massive encrypted tomes of practical physical and spiritual evolutionary advancement teachings, presented to the races of our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix by the Density-5 (dimensions 13-15) Elohei-Elohim “Emerald Order”, Seraphei-Seraphim “Gold Order” and Bra-ha-Rama “Amethyst Order” Melchizedek Cloister Breneau, the 3 Primary Founders Races in our Time Matrix.
  • The teachings contained in the CDT-Plates cover the full evolutionary history of life evolution in our Time Matrix since the last life-wave was seeded 950 billion years ago up to the present.
  • Time is simultaneous in nature; past-present-future exist as multiple sets of interconnected cycles of evolutionary development that form manifest probabilities of possible experiential action.
  • The CDT-Plates also contain “future records” of the many various paths of evolutionary development of human and inter-dimensional, inter-galactic, inter-time races which emerge from free-will choices rendered in our present space-time continuum. (Of the existing “probable futures”, of Primary Time Vectors of evolutionary development that exist , as “future” experiential potentials, our present moment choices determine which line of probable evolution we will perceive in manifest form as a future time emerging from our present space-time coordinate.)
  • Most valuable to our present time, the CDT-Plates contain extensive educational records pertaining to Founders Race Creation Mechanics, “Universal Unified Field Physics”, and “Law of One”- “Inner Christ” Sacred Spiritual Science “Ascension-Merkaba” training. The CDT-Plates also contain the history and details of the Founders’ Emerald Covenant Co-evolution Agreement peace treaty, humanity’s historical relationship to the Emerald Covenant. As designated by the Emerald Covenant restatement of 246,000 BC, the CDT-Plates contain the teachings of Masters Templar Mechanics (Planetary, Galactic and Universal Star Gate mechanics), DNA Template Bio-Regenesis and Kathara Core Template Healing technologies. These masters’ teachings were originally provided to the Angelic Human race of Earth in order for humanity to fulfill its original “Creation Commission” as guardians and keepers of the Universal Templar Complex.
  • The CDT-Plates have served as an intrinsic part of human evolution on Earth since they were given to the Urtites in 246,000 BC. The first written translation of part of the CDT-Plate library was rendered by the Urtite human race of Earth, upon receiving the CDT-Plates in 246,000 BC. The first written CDT-Plate records were a collection of large books collectively called the Maharata (pronounced “Ma-ha-ra-ta”; translates into “The Inner Christos” dispensations.)
  • The Maharata transcriptions were hand-written on a form of durable textile-paper resembling crisp, semi-translucent vellum that was in common use at this time among the Taran civilizations of Density-2; the volumes of the Maharata were compiled in large-format, embossed-leather-bound books through a hand-rendered process that resembles “perfect binding”. The original Maharata Books were transcribed in the Anuhazi language, the first spoken-written language form of the Density-4 Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim-Anuhazi (Feline-hominid) Founders Race, out of which all other external language forms in our Time Matrix emerged.
  • The 12 CDT-Plates were kept on Earth in the protective custody of the Urtite human lineage, until the Temple Wars and resulting pole shift of 208,216 BC. Just prior to the 208,216 BC pole shift and decimation of the Urtite human culture, 10 of the CDT-Plates were retrieved by the Sirius B Azurite Races and placed under the Azurite Universal Templar Security Team protection.
  • The CDT-Plates have always been coveted by many interstellar races, not only for the practical knowledge they contained, but also due to their dual purpose in relation to obtaining manual access to the 12 Primary Star Gates of the Universal Templar Complex. The 12 CDT-Plates are part of a larger apparatus that included 12 corresponding, larger silver discs called the Signet Shields.
  • The 12 Signet Shields, manufactured at the same time as the CDT-Plates are a technology through which the 12 Primary Star Gates of the Universal Templar Complex, which span the dimensional fields and galaxies of dimensions 1-12, can be manually activated and opened.
  • The 12 CDT-Plates, designed for inter-dimensional frequency transmission capacity, can be used to manually activate, from remote locations, the Signet Shields and their corresponding Universal Star Gates; the 12 CDT-Plate discs are the Activators for the 12 Signet Shields.
  • In the wrong hands the CDT-Plate-Signet Shield technology could bring universal devastation to this Time Matrix, and so the CDT-Plates remained under the highest security possible.
  • On behalf of the Emerald Order Melchizedek Cloister Elohei-Elohim Breneau of Density-5 , and their primary Guardian Universal Service Organizations (the Azurite Universal Templar Security Team, the IAFW, and the 12 Signet Councils of the Guardian Alliance), CDT-Plate-Signet-Shield protection had been commissioned to the Azurite Races the Sirius B Council of Azurline. The Urtite human lineage of Earth was entrusted with protection of the CDT-Plates and Signet Shields in 246,000 BC when humanity was officially appointed as active co-guardians of the Universal Templar Complex through the Urtites entry into the Emerald Covenant restatement.
  • The Guardian Alliance Signet Council-6 , Council of Azurline from Sirius B reclaimed 10 of the CDT-Plates under their protection in 208,216 BC. Two of the CDT-Plates and all of the Signet Shields fell into the hands of various competing human and Fallen Angelic Legions on Earth during the course of human evolution since this time. In the 1600s the Azurites secured one of the missing CDT-Plates. In November of 1999, the last of the 12 CDT-Plates, once called the “Tables of Testimony” by the Knights Templar races, was retrieved by the Azurites from a contemporary Freemason family line through which possession of the CDT-Plate had been passed from Atlantian generations. The 12 Signet Shields still remained buried in various hidden locations on Earth. Since the times of the 208,216 BC cataclysm, the Azurite Races of the Sirius B Council of Azurline have periodically offered dispensations of knowledge translated from the CDT-Plates to the evolving human cultures of Earth.
  • Translations of the CDT-Plates were the first first foundations of ALL legitimate spiritual teachings among ALL races of Earth, before the genuine CDT-Plate translations were repeatedly compromised, destroyed and distorted into “religious control dogmas” by competing factions of corrupt human power elite and Fallen Angelic visitors. Each time the Azurites offer return of CDT-Plate translations, three CDT-Plate Speakers incarnate through the Maharaji race line Council of Azurline from Sirius, into the human “Indigo Child” Grail Line on Earth, to serve as the three CDT-Plate translators or “Speakers”.
  • The First CDT-Plate Speaker is trained for the position from childhood through physical contact with the Azurite Races and Priests of Ur, and serves as mentor for CDT-Plate Speakers Two and Three. The three CDT-Plate Speakers are always contemporaries and work closely and cooperatively together, collectively presenting on Earth the translations of the CDT-Plates to which they are commissioned over a 12-year period of time.
  • The tradition of selecting only three CDT-Plate Speakers who are entrusted members of the Emerald Order incarnate in human form is a security measure that has always been employed by the Azurite races in order to protect the integrity and intended purity of CDT-Plate translations.
  • In Atlantian times, the most commonly known Third CDT-Plate Speaker was a Nibiruian-Anunnaki-Atlantian by the name of Thoth. In 22,340 BC, Thoth was entrusted by the Emerald Order Melchizedek Cloister and Azurite Races to bring oral translation of parts of one CDT-Plate into specific segments of Atlantian culture. During this time, Thoth defected from the Emerald Covenant in favor of Nibiruian-Anunnaki dominion agendas, translating portions of the CDT-Plate into written form, in a text that became known as the “Emerald Tablets of Thoth”.
  • Thoth presented the Emerald Tablets to the then-corrupt Annu-Melchizedek Priesthood of Atlantis, which culminated in the final destruction of the Atlantian Islands in 9558 BC, and subsequent chaos of human evolution since the colonization of Sumerian culture.
  • In 2040 BC another attempt to bring translations of the CDT-Plates to Earth was rendered through an individual by the name of “Enoch”, who served as Second CDT-Plate Speaker in that time period. Enoch’s CDT-Plate translations consisted of three volumes of history that were once contained in the Maharata; the Book of Amenti, the Angelic Rosters and the Book of the Dragon.
  • In 10 BC, three Essene CDT-Plate speakers known as John the Baptist, Jesus Christ (Jeshua Sananda Melchizedek, born 12 BC) and Miriam, collectively translated nine additional books from the CDT-Plates, creating the original foundations of what was intended to become the legitimate Christian doctrine.
  • These books included Jeshua’s Six Books of Process, detailing self-generated Ascension Mechanics, Core Template Bio-Regenesis and the Book of Maps and Key – the technical manual for Earth’s Halls of Amenti Star Gates and Planetary Templar Complex system.
  • The translations of Miriam were the three Books of the Cloister, once translated in the Maharata texts, detailing cultural structure built upon the Founders’ Emerald Covenant model.
  • The Templar Mechanics books of John the Baptist were not completed as he was murdered prior to completion of CDT-Plates translation.
  • The Books of Enoch, Jesheua and Miriam represent 12 of the 15 “Missing Books of the Bible” that were originally part of the legitimate Essene “Grail Line” teachings.
  • The Essene teachings were intentionally edited and distorted in 325 AD, by the Council of Nicaea and the Church of Rome, to create the control dogma religion presented as the Canonized Bible.
  • The Cathari of Southern France held some of the original Essene records of Jesheua and Miriam until the Church of Rome ordered the extermination of the Cathari in 1244 AD. Before their demise, the Cathari hid portions of the genuine Essene records, along with one of the 12 Signet Shields that had been in their possession.
  • These relics will eventually be discovered in contemporary times to validate the teachings of the three CDT-Plate Speakers of present times, once these individuals have completed their current commissioned translation of the CDT-Plates.
  • Other CDT-Plate translations of ancient times were dispensed through Speakers born into Hindu, Chinese, Tibetan, African, Egyptian, Mayan, Incan and Celtic-Druidic Grail Lines.
  • Since pre-ancient times, all CDT-Plate translations seeded into every Earthly culture have suffered the same fate of destruction or distortion.
  • Since 208,216 BC, translations of the CDT-Plates were repeatedly given by the Priests of Ur Azurite Races in order to prepare Earth humanity for the next scheduled Star Gate Opening Cycle (called a “Stellar Activations Cycle, or SAC”.
  • During the next SAC to follow the failed SAC of 208,216 BC, the Angelic Human race of Earth would be called upon by the Azurites and guardian races of the Emerald Covenant, to assist in healing Earth’s damaged Planetary Templar Complex.
  • When the next SAC arrived on Earth, humanity would also be asked to peacefully assist Guardian Angelic Nations in protecting Earth’s Halls of Amenti Star Gates from Fallen Angelic race dominion.
  • Since 22,346 BC, all inter-dimensional races knew that the next probable SAC on Earth would occur between 2000-2017 AD.
  • The Emerald Order Melchizedek Cloister Founders Races, Azurite Races and Nations of the Emerald Covenant are again returning translations of the CDT-Plates to humanity, in preparation for their intended mass visitation that will occur if Earth can be safely guided through the now-commencing 2000-2017 SAC.
  • The three CDT-Plate Speakers of contemporary times will continue to release their commissioned translations of the CDT-Plate teachings into the public domain between 1999-2012. Between 2007-2012, if cataclysmic Earth changes can be prevented on Earth during the progressing SAC, Jesheua Sananda Melchizedek, the Second CDT-Plate Speaker of 10 AD and the man known as Jesus Christ in the Bible, will again enter physical human incarnation through the Sirius B Council of Azurline.
  • Any beings or inter-dimensional visitors emerging into Earth’s drama that claim to be Jesheua Sananda Melchizedek or Jesus are misinterpreting themselves for the purpose of human manipulation; Jesheua is returning to incarnation as an “Indigo Child” infant through the Sirius B Council of Azurline, as he did in 12 BC. Jesheua’s scheduled return is intended to herald the beginning of open contact with the inter-galactic Guardian Angelic races of the Emerald Covenant and humanity’s long awaited graduation into the inter-dimensional, intergalactic communities through officially delivered invitation into another restatement of the Founders’ Emerald Covenant Co-Evolution Agreement universal peace treaty.
  • Open contact with inter-dimensional, inter-galactic, inter-time Guardian Races will occur through opening of Earth’s Halls of Amenti star gates, if cataclysmic Earth changes can be prevented during the 2000-2017 SAC.
  • In preparation for the 2012 opening of Earth’s Halls of Amenti Star Gates, Jesheua’s 2007-2012 foretold “Second Coming”, and the mass Angelic Nation contact that these events are scheduled to precede, Jesheua’s contemporaries of 10 AD, Miriam and John the Baptist, are already incarnate in human form.
  • The present day incarnations of Miriam and John the Baptist are currently working closely together to fulfill the First and Second CDT-Plate Speakers Contracts, which are now being progressively translated for public access.
  • The individual holding the Third CDT-Plate Speaker contract is a woman in the USA, who has also previously served as CDT-Plate speaker during Hindu, Egyptian and African incarnations of ancient times.
  • All CDT-Plate Speakers work closely together through the established Azurite Temple of the Melchizedek Cloister, Florida, an organization created in 1999 at the request of the Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim of Density-5 , the Priests of Ur Azurite Races of Sirius B and the many IAFW-Guardian Alliance races of the Emerald Covenant.
  • The three CDT-Plate Speakers are presenting foundation teachings of the Emerald Covenant CDT-Plates to assist the Azurite Universal Templar Security Team, IAFW, GA and Founders Races in preparation for the scheduled 2012 opening of the Halls of Amenti star gates.
  • If Earth changes can be prevent through the 2000-2017 SAC, these events will culminate into humanity’s intended graduation into the long-awaited and foretold “New Age of Unity, Love, Freedom & Enlightenment.”~{Extract from “Voyagers: Volume I of the Emerald Covenant CDT-Plate Translations”}~


this article is edited with a few paragraphs removed to keep focus of CDT Plates concise. Please see original article above. With thanks x

CDT-Plates : Cloister Dora-Teura Plates : Freedom Teachings 1

my drawing after listening to a presentation by Ashayana on the CDT Plates in October 2018, Sorry cannot remember the exact One.