Video Visions

Monthly Maps

multi-sensory immersion experience

The Black Pearl

A Poem clearing all slavery codes


A videoscape to help with grief, bereavement, loss, suffering and re-instill tender comfort and compassion.

A Polar Ice Story – A further crack-Up!

A multi sensory videoscape to clear deeply held trauma stored in subconscious mind. A unique learning tool filled in Power Grids

Aurora Pillars of Light I & II

An empowering, videoscape presentation of the remarkable Beings: Aurora Pillars to offer Divine Protection and Grace

The Krystal Spiral

A Video Series Collection of a wonderful, time-scape activator of Emerald Crystal Lands long lost forgotten and yet perfectly visualised to assist in remembrance.

Krystal Kaleidoscope

A Video Series Collection of a wonderful, time-scape activator of Emerald Crystal Lands long lost forgotten and yet perfectly visualised to assist in remembrance.