DNA – Singing Light-Fields-
Part II: Meccano Mechanics for Meditators
Vibratory Exercise
So let’s see what we can Fire Up in our data resources piggy-bank account. However, we’re not investing money into this adventure but vast reservoirs of quantum Memory Data Banks, free of Space-Time Matrix…
However, before we delve a little deeper into our new found Toys, for the sake of crystal clear clarity, let’s explain a little of the rules of the Game, or rather one Golden Rule:
You are the Creator/Commander of the Game and all its Components, ie, you created the:
Space Ship, Space Buggy & Rocket Ship
Using a ratio similar to equation below but encoded with your own UNIQUE FORMULAE (even if you know nothing of physical physics, as I do, this is purely an imaginative exercise, okay!?
E = mc²
E = energy M = mass C²= the speed of light
E = The Space Ship, a metaphor for your Light-Body in full spectrum waves of light, colour and sound in shape of oscillating scalar wave patterning’s, infused in: Living Organic Lattice of Love (L.O.L.)
M = The Space Buggy, well that’s also your Light-Body, Vehicle in Motion but with a twist! This is blue-print form of: Core Manifestation Template to explore your new found surroundings in complete safety, ‘atomony’ and harmony,
C²= The Rocket-Ship – your Body Vehicle in Motion travelling at the speed of light to time-jump a dimension/time-vector of your choice to heal & repair any ‘damage’ which occurred to your Vehicle?
Okay, so now we got the Blue-Print Maps down, let’s briefly explain the main principle of a ‘Meccano Model Set,’ which is simply to delve through a zillion different pieces by also following a Blue-Print Map to its completed form. Let’s say in our example – a space-ship, space buggy and Rocket etc. However, in this instance our Mission Objective is to find our missing and mis-matched body-parts that got blown apart in several time-line explosions: wars, death, disease, injury, trauma etc. causing ‘fatal error’s’ in the bio-chemical field mechanics of our blue-print Hologram.
Rather serious stuff in comparison to a light-hearted simple game, huh? However, if we endeavour to use the principles that this is purely a GAME and not get to caught into the dramatics of it we can actually enjoy the mastery of excelling at something innately inherit within us. We are simply reclaiming those pieces, one by one in order to weave back our light tapestry again….
Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more.
Nikola Tesla
Fire Letters & Codes
With this in mind, we need to know something of our Fire Letters which are phonetic Light & Sound codes in a wave form patterning. As many of our bio-circuitries got spun around, reversed and scrambled this meant our original ones couldn’t properly fuse together like in a form of osmosis: “a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one”.
However, our Human Template requires fusing these Fire Codes through kinetic energy (energy in motion) into liquid light, data strands composed of sequenced patterning’s in the wave form of Fire Letters – “stored within every cell of every human; it is the basis for the human genetic code”. (ascension dictionary)
Right Now, we should be dancing around the ‘Sacred Fire Pit’ because we’ve ‘stumbled’ upon a major formulae to strike these back together again so we can get busy being body beautiful again, i.e reclaim full-set mechanics!
We invite you to take a soothing Starfire breather here (whilst being in protective shield of your heart) before we proceed with following rather ‘heavy mechanics.’ Play the Audio and just baske for a while, if you choose?
Starfire, Vibratory Integration
(2 min)
However there’s a big, Alas coming…….
Unfortunately, several of these ‘wars’ occurred off planet in vast recesses of the Cosmos, many hidden away in black-holes by a type of ‘Black-Hole Technology’ sucked into a phantom like realm where weird looking zombies roam around munching on these ‘delicacies’ like over zealous ‘Pac-Man’s’ devouring everything in their path…..
Many obstacles have been put in our way to reclaim these and piece ourselves back together to attain full DNA strands once again……… These are contained within some of the most complex holographic ‘Combination Locks’ I have ever seen, you gotta be a ‘Safe Cracker’ to bust through, armed, not with an arsenal of defensive armour but protected by an invincible Shield of Light and the stellar Lion Heart courage to reclaim what is yours!
This needs to be done expertly, patiently, lovingly, powerfully in Zero-Point Cells, so you don’t get embroiled in ‘Divide & Conquer’ tactics and get locked into multiple, multiple intricate tricking mechanisms of illusion and fantasy – yet very much aware of the GAME…
This takes ‘spiritual maturity’ sitting with CORE SELF and trusting and knowing when you feel stable enough within CORE STRENGTH to dive in, recognising that whilst this an Illusionary Mechanisms, it’s not to be undermined as such because its tentacles wrap around Brain Cells convincing them that this distorted Hologram is very real.
The War of Self
When we recognise we are All that is: As in we are the Black Hole, the Wormhole the Stargate etc then we can energetically fuse this symbiotic notion into both our Light and Dark as perfect Union. Therefore, awareness of solutions, or as I prefer, ‘Escape Routes’ are held deep within the ethos of our own Body Principle which is embodiment of the Cosmos entirety.
Find the Wormholes, so to speak, within your body, map them out and find out what their message is, what their intention, strategy is……..? How you find yourself down never ending mind mazes, trapped in looping programmes of terror, fear, despair, dis-empowerment etc.. False-light mechanisms insidiously implanted as overlays to convince mind it’s in a perpetual state of survival, or fright and flight.
The Lands of Mu
A very long time ago in the ancient lands of Lemuria we embodied full recognition of our Fire Letters & Codes as full-strand DNA Avatar consciousness and knew nothing of fear or survival, we lived in effervescent waves of omnipotent love and peace. We had full ‘Exit Clauses‘ out of the Time-Matrix as prolific Time-Travellers, free to travel at one’s Will to wherever the heart lead the way… ?
It was only after pandemic, mass invasions and infiltration that we learned how to be afraid. to fight one another, to defend honour and experience mass trauma which devastatingly has replicated itself in underlying paranoia’s, and mental fracturisation which can only be healed through the eyes of compassion and grace.
Over aeons of time this slowly began to corrupt our ‘brain discs’, so to speak. These lost, fractured constructs began to play ‘Hide & Seek’ within the many chambers of the brain too terrified to face reality, because sadly their Fire Letters cannot jump start original circuitry to remind them not only of their pure divinity but ultimately the ‘End of the War!’
At this Vector Point, if you need to bathe in the Krystal Healing Waters for a while, please do so to remind the Cells they are safe once again?
Krystal Healing Waters
A Multi-Sensory healing experience!
If you spent time in both the Starfire Vibratory Integration and the Krystal Healing Waters then technically what you’ve just created is Steam through a sonic fusion of Fire & Water! This is true alchemy born from many vast Templates of which you embody to begin to release through ‘Energetic Osmosis’ what harassment it has held onto?
Through the eyes of compassion, we shall go deep into the Morphogenic Field of a collective species spawn (not pawn) of omnipotent beauty and power beyond measure. Just think of the battery power it takes to kick-start a Toy Car and compare this to the true Power of Peace it takes to fire up the Cosmos – Star Fire, Heart of Creation?
No longer little boys (& girls) playing with their Stun Gun Toys but now playing with the Solar Battery Power of Love which transcends all illusionary games of separation and fears. An epidemic which has unfairly and unjustly infected humanity in atrocious ways of suffering .
With this awareness, if you need to Time-Jump back to revisit these frequencies, please do so in full expansion of breath? We shall still be here for as long as you need and more importantly, invite your Higher/Source Self to Overlight full mechanics of this procedure so you see, feel, hear and sense things very differently?
We allow this imprint to truly infuse and go deep into the cells, into the microbes of the cells, in order to deeply purify and liquidise any hidden agendas stuck in there……………? Please ensure you drink a large warm glass of water with a slice of lemon which will help to facilitate further release).
Part III: A new Chapter is born
Now, I invite you to place yourself securely in your Space-Ship (Light Body) amplified in oscillating colour waves infused in a centrifugal fashion. By this we mean a vortex motion like how a gigantic hoover sucks out debris particles and any astral debris and entities which happen to be hiding in the Oort cloud of your Solar System as a Holograph of the Cosmos.
We use the breath to power up this force with each inhale expanding into Core Self and each exhale expelling any debris which is instantly vaporised by the power of a ZERO-POINT vortex chamber swirling all through and around you, immersed in blue liquid light of love.
A scientific understanding of the Oort Cloud is: “an extended shell of icy objects that exist in the outermost reaches of the solar system”
However, we’re going to mix up that analogy into our eclectic, etheric style and witness this as an area where astral debris becomes mutated, corrupted, infected in the shape of Comets which are the “icy objects” sent on ‘destructive missions’ or missiles to send refracted information into our Sensory Field, or Light Body.
If we recognise that we are a Hologram of the Cosmos then as above, so below, or vice-versa. Therefore, it could be said that we are the Messengers of Information holding ancient repertoires of knowledge and awareness held in this region of the Cosmos because Comets are Universal Messengers which bring billions of years of recorded history in their blazing path.
They drop off Blue-Print Plans and some Original Mechanism frequencies of Core Manifestation Template. Ie, how we might have looked, sounded, tasted, felt, sensed, millions of years ago……?
Where we lost limbs, body-parts in war timelines and how we sadly watched our Brothers & Sisters mind-controlled into lobotomy of thought, driven by distorted “Divide & Conquer” Agendas.
Lets imagine you received a (fire) letter which you had been waiting for for a very long time and within told a story of the evolution of your Race and its vast majestic Temples, each one filled in a perfect Hologram of you……..? You might begin to remember this in its sweet purity before the sour taste became the mockery.
It is here we connect with you in these Golden Temples that no ‘man’ may enter with false lies and corruption – only the Brethren of Truth. So as you integrate deeper into your Light Body oscillating in flavours of love and with full “lights, camera and action”… Begin to feel an expansion – a lightness of spirit the kind of expression you felt as a child before an exciting adventure lay ahead?
Cosmic Adventure
Cosmic Adventure, sound mix by Azur’A
We have just induced another brief Vibratory Top Up to take you even deeper into Core Self and perhaps bring a smile to your face at the same time to lighten the load!?
How does it feel to be totally free exploring the Cosmos at your Will, surrounded by majestic Comets and Light Ships which you Command? To explore Schools of Learning of advanced cultures and civilisations which are free of Earthly Quarantine Zones, yet one can look down and see the Earth in its truest, bluest magnificent glory from an objective standpoint?
What if we tell you that those Books you hold in your hand are Maps to your future? They contain specific Data that can be retrieved to access those ‘Missing Body Parts’. They are private pulsating Liquid, Star Dust encoded with the full omnipotent breath of the Cosmos.
More importantly they are a form of Electronic Crystal Data recorded way before any distortions altered solar discs. All you need to do is find somewhere to Land your ‘Space Buggy’ and read these taking as long as you like….?
Below is a Starfire, Letters Activator which can assist? (see fig a)
Starfire Letters Activation
Frontal Lobe
By Polygon data were generated by Life Science Databases(LSDB). – Polygon data are from BodyParts3D.[11], CC BY-SA 2.1 jp, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=9499837
StarFire Light Code
12 + 12 = 144
The frontal lobe is the part of the brain that controls important cognitive skills in humans, such as emotional expression, problem solving, memory, language, judgment, and sexual behaviors.
It is, in essence, the “control panel” of our personality and our ability to communicate. Healthline
- However, this Starfire Light Code needs to be infused into Frontal Cortex of Brain which we do by staring at it for several minutes……. Taking a nice deep breath in……… And on the out-breath shooting out a type of antennae from this region of brain which picks up the light codes. Its got to feel right for you? is this in Highest Alignment etc. So only pick up what is of value to you?
- When this feels complete, still breathing clearly, take a deep breath in……. And shoot the Liquid-Light elixirs back into Frontal Cortex and exhale deeply, feeling a nice popping sensation as it trickles into all the nerve endings of your Electrical Brain. (Take your time there’s “86 billion neurons” in the brain……) and now feel them trickle down back of eyes and allow these colour codes to settle nicely.
- Now, watch as they travel down the spine and through your abdomen and sexual organs and out through both legs and feet deep into Crystal Heart of Earth. Feeling fully anchored, stabilised and centred in Core.
- These swirls of colour beams are picking up HIGHEST EARTH GRID MAPS and bursting and popping into life! Multi-sensory colour & sound waves are spiralling in majestic vortex motions all through Organic Earth Grids picking up Highest Encodements…. Allow these to travel back up through legs directly through CORE CENTRE OF BODY and breathe………..
- Feel a surge as finest Elixirs pulsate in your Starfire Heart, especially into the Core Seed at back chamber of heart……. Feel a popping sensation as this opens into a beautiful iridescent flower and breathe for as long as necessary……?
- Now infused in pure sonic liquid light, up they travel back into the Brain to RESET any distortions and back down to settle into BELLY BRAIN…………….
Relax, breathe… Receive.
Conceive of New Earth Plans for your next Solar Missions?
Make sure to drink large glass of water and sip slowly allowing water molecules to diffuse within atoms and cells and pick up these new encodements?
We are kick-starting those original Fire Letters into action to transcend any false limiting sensors that got caught in solar winds of time. Here we are optimising and strengthening, letting go of any resistance to uncovering your Truths?
If you feel any sludge and grime coming up, this is okay! Its the overlays of contortion embedded into Body/Mind Template to resist Organic Matter. just breathe through it until you feel a sense of expansion and drink more water throughout day/night visualising Starfire Light Code.
Poignantly, it’s this area of the brain that has recorded these mass distortions and held memory imprints of the Morphogenic Field that become convoluted in mass wars, traumas and battles. This Fire Code/Letter is a ‘re-encryption lattice’ to will begin to calm, pacify and realign the memory receptors to Truth, If one is feeling anxious, alarmed, hyper-active or nervous you can visualise this Light Code placed over your Master Gland or the whole are of the frontal cortex and simply breath deeply, true codes of peace.
Here we begin to ‘pick up’ those broken body parts and missing, mismatched constructs and remind the body that it is no longer in battle, at war etc………. Whilst it might be aware of all those superimposed agendas and time-frames, it can Now align to ZERO-POINT mechanics.
This is where your ROCKET SHIP truly takes off and you begin to propel your life into the greatest discovery of Truth that ever existed in this Dimension or any other, for that matter. As long as you remember you are the Creator of it All, by your Word, your Deed, your Memories and overall awareness to reclaim this as truest destiny?
We salute you………
1 = WON
VOW to reclaim all that has been lost and stolen through the grace of my Starfire Heart!
A brief note of complaint: This article has been one of the most ‘gruesome’ I have had to sit with for a very long time in order to bring forth these mechanics. Multiple scramblers, deflectors, suicide beamers, curses, isolation tactics, fear & doubt interference, sloth and gluttony implants to dope me up! Knots & bolts etc hurled at me to steer me away from completion.
I nearly cracked at one point after the disturbing neighbour was repeatedly sent in to bully, intimidate, frighten and deter me, but for the grace of my good friend who loved me through this and reminding me to anchor my Core Connection…
So, a kind word of caution, in case anything weird (and ultimately i’ll say wonderful) appears in your life after reading this, please bear this in mind: Its simply the distorted, refracted Hologram of Tree of Life appearing to stump you!
So please remember to anchor deep into Core of Earth and remain centred in the illumination of your magnificent Starfire heart flame. Also check out GUIDELINES page and utilise any of the ‘healing methods’ there..?