Mother Arc, Rainbow
Rapa Nui (Easter Island) Stargate, rich, magical Lands, Massive Pylon Crystal Generators, Light, Sound, frequency patterning’s to bring deep remembrance and soul star comfort..
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- Pure Love Vibrations
These are beyond beautiful ‘Holographic Visual Receptors of Soul’ to assist in flourishing, highest Personal Mastery and sovereignty. Magnetic visual references ‘scribe’ Transmission Frequencies far beyond ‘Cosmic Horizon,’ in order to expand, amplify and raise Vibratory Field. Infused with ‘Frequency Love Cocktails’ resonating at 100& Organic Liquid Light Lattice, encoded to instantly stimulate neural receptors and open higher mind pathways in alignment with Compass of Soul. Vista Points of authentic, true expression to positively enhance Mission and Purpose, soul growth, crystal-clear clarity, Manifestation Realms, TRUTH and provide deep wise counsel and soul-star comfort, infused with elixirs of love