The Heart of Cosmic Earth: Light Activator Template: 00

From your many sojourns across this OM’ni’Verse you decided to Create a ‘Human Template‘ here on this precious plan-ET?  

I WONder why……………….?  

What made you enter the l00p again……..?  

Could it be you have some unfinished business and wish to make Amends……?          

Drive your ‘Body Vehicle’ out of ‘illusionary b’end’s’!!

Align your Compass within True Sphere of Her curvaceous w0Mb!

Or perhaps you’re just tentatively opening your Thirst t0Mb

      Wow, we Salute your Cosmic dAnce

We the A U R O R A are excited about your Creations, free of the Trance….”       

For within this alchemical exchange COSMIC STARS are Created;

And vast potential, truly elated……..

​What you do with this Cosmic Ad‘Venture – Golden OpportUnity is entirely Up to you..

                Look into the Epi-Center of Our Earth – Your Turf!!!

The Heart of Cosmic Earth 1

 – what CREATION do you Sea…………?  

Perhaps Infinite Space…….? or Eternity!

A Blank Canvas on which to  paint exquisite colours of Soul?

Or a gigantic Dance-Floor, to boogie in the North Pole?

Perhaps, a spectacular Stage to perform Soul of Tune?

Earth’s Flora majestically in Bloom

The World is your creative AUDIENCE!               

 BREATHE out the Pretense!

Before CONSTRUCTS – houses, buildings, banks, peoples, systems, chaos, disorder, families, fear, delusion, illusion, KARMA-DRAMA……….. RULES! Regimes,

                                    Regulations – ZERO-POINT obligations!

  Just Infinite TINTS………………..


Wipe Clean the ‘dirty finger prints!’ 

                Begin Anew…..….. CLEAR!

Within the HOME of  Sovereign He’Art….

          Just YOU and the EARTH.………………START !!!  


What’s the GAME Here………? What’s the Set UP of my Responsability?