Positive Protocols

& T & C’s

Dear One

Please know, these Creations are weaved within Portals of Etheric Surgery where We and your ‘Genetic Technicians’ perform delicate, complex ‘energetic procedures’ to assist you to Heal, Align and Repair or “Connect to Correct” Core Manifestation, Body Template. We assist with restoring and optimising energetic structure and/or removal of implants, devices, codes, clamps, miasmas, schisms, etheric taggers, trackers, remote viewers, negative thought field programming’s and beyond….

These are intricate Patterning Systems, so we suggest you initially read the following Tablets carefully in a linear order to receive the most comprehensive guidance on how to integrate these vibrational, frequencies, in highest alignment with you? Thereafter, you may tune in to any Tablet or section as and when you feel guided?

Treat yourself with love and kindness and receive only that which serves your Highest Evolution and lovingly disregard that which does not to preserve unique identity.

Please spend quality time thinking about your intentions for each Transmission/experience you receive?

And yet be Open to Great Unknown……

It is my absolute joy and purpose to connect with your magnificence.

Darling, AurorA’h

Protocols & T & C's 1

We advise you to always TRUST your own discernment about use of these Creations.  They are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any physical, mental and emotional conditions.  They are purely exploratory in nature!

In respect, I am not responsible for your self-care; yet lovingly with compassion hold a space of atomony* for you to come to own resolutions about your spiritual, emotional, physical and mental welfare.

Therefore, as Absolute of your At0ms, I encourage you to always listen to the innate Body Intelligence within you as this Will assist you in all transitions of Soul?

Take the Seeds of Consciousness that resonate and lovingly disregard anything that doesn’t so you fully empower yourself to TRUST your own Internal Compass and not that of another’s no matter how well intended!

Absolute of your Atoms

*Atomony (Autonomy), a frequency upgrade of self-sovereignty, not an injected distorted ‘automatic pilot’ but full awareness of atomic structure and its many forms and expressions that fuse together our Core Manifestation Template in 100% liquid light threads or DNA strands.

Water, Water Everywhere..

Drink plenty of fresh, clean water before/throughout/after the Session/TransMission and rest and integrate at a pace and rate you can assimilate..


High Vibrational Water :

*Place glass of water to heart and fill the water with your loving intent, good thoughts, vibrations, mantras, smiles etc and seeing the blue plasma healing light coming out of heart and infusing into the water.  Drink like an elixir of love, very slowly sip by sip and allow the water cells in body to pick up these embodiments whilst breathing deeply and inner-smiling and magnetise onto you good vibrations. 


Plasma Pod
..the Depths Our Whale Friends Will DIVE to assist Us… 🐳

To assist you, we advise that you familiarise yourself with: Frequency Stabiliser: PLASMA POD  (integration package) before listening to an MP3 TransMission, or PODCAST as I may not always Invoke in auditory form.  

(However, this/they are ALWAYS energetically weaved in silent expression in all my Creations of HeArt)

Crystal Sphere Tree of Life

Etheric Surgery:

Throughout our Dynamic Energy Session you will hear me scribbling drawings, codes, writings etc. These are Plasma Light Orbs, which access Liquid Light Original Blue-Print Maps.

Protocols & T & C's 2
plasma igniter

My colourful pens act like ‘scalpels’ but not to cut through flesh (that’s not how we operate off planet)! But like Scalar Wave, Laser LRods using Primal Light, Colour and Sound Field frequencies to skilfully cut through interference patterning’s and illusions… (see FREEDOM)

Protocols & T & C's 3

A word about the vibration of TRANSMISSION… It is not associated with any negative ‘Trans’ (trance) vibrations.. Components are broken down through the Transduction sequence which is the ‘source spark’ of Creation igniting the Core Manifestation Template and infuses light bodies in correct spinning ratios to clear ‘birth miasmas ‘and distortions in energetic blue-print of your Field.

Through my Higher Self Light-Stream, I open myself as a Conduit to access relevant Blueprint Maps to assist you in your enquiry using Primal Light, Colour and Sound frequencies for you to Play and Co-Create with…

Transmissions can be rather dynamically fast paced! So, please listen to the audio within 3 days (and pause for as long as you need) to integrate as many silent Khees & Codes are held within through grace of Highest Expression.

Please know that we are accessing Truth Maps and sometimes this can feel very raw and challenging as we face our inner-shadows and traumas etc. However, be assured that all is conducted in a Chalice of love and compassion, Dear Ones.

As I child I was fascinated and terrified of the 1960’s “Fantastic Voyage” film where ‘the crew’ made themselves miniscule to travel inside the body and repair a human heart. It was the most exciting, exhilarating journey filled in adventure and thwart with danger.

Now, I can see my attraction to ‘etheric surgery’ and how it is possible to remote view Organs and blood streams, tissues, joints and of course, our precious heart which is the famous conductor of it all and respected at all times.

After a Session, or listening to an MP3 TRANSMISSION or PODCAST, or VIDEO, I highly suggest you take a good, long pure salt (500ml) bath and soak for at least 20 mins.

Connect with Oceanic Kingdoms who lovingly take away and purify any extra energetic residue.

(Or I Invite you to try this super DELUXE DETOX BATH, that works magical wonders..

For the following few days,  energies, frequencies and Vibrations shall still be coming through OmniVERSE:

You may have more energy, healing, radiant thoughts, bursts of inspiration, elation, joy, exhilaration, beautiful synchronicity, heart-openings, grace, empathy, compassion, clarity, prophetic insights, enhanced creativity, higher guidance & visions,  lightness of spirit, a renewed sense of purpose & beyond……

Deluxe Bath

However, if you feel tearful, sorrowful, angry, agitated, upset, vulnerable, sleepy, etc, please be in loving kindness and acceptance with everything and honour all feelings, emotions, thoughts, sensations within loving breath of heart. Repeating the below mantra over and over with hands just below heart will calm you:

“I Am Loving you,

I Am Accepting you”

“I Am Honouring you,

Really feel the vibration of these Essences rippling through you in the midst of any anxiety, fear, anger and or panic that you might feel and do this until these lower sensations dissipate or completely disappear…

Reading the frequency Article: Smiling the Stars: Healing Morphogenic Field, can help to reset circuitry?

Please remember : You have just experienced ‘etheric surgery’ by y(Our) Genetic Technicians and just like if you had had a physical surgery you would feel very sleepy, raw and exposed. You would need to rest for a few days to recover and listen to your Highest Callings to love, honour and respect your Body Principle as it’s doing a marvellous job to heal and align you.

Also, absorb the frequencies of ‘Quick Fix’, VIBRATORY TOP UP’S – MED’S to assist you? These are little magical, majestic ‘etheric medicine’ gateways infused in soulful resonance to calm, soothe, pacify and align CNS System and balance and calm stress and anxiety levels;

As well as infuse a sense of inner-wonder to restore faith and inner-spiration..

Re-energise your soul. Walk with Mother nature.

Anthony D Williams

Take walks in Nature….. Hug the Trees, watch the birds, feel the plants, smell the flowers, breathe in fresh air and find somewhere to lie down on the mushy peat of the Mother and write experiences down, if you choose? This will offload any extra tension and bring greater clarity as you engage left/right brain hemispheres in perfect balance and union.


I cannot emphasise enough the tangible, remarkable healing benefits that shall transpire through you in co-evolution with these Creations when you immerse yourself in the Golden Green Gate of Natures Balm.

Here you are immersed in a true magical playground free of distractions and illusion to reset bearings where you will find greater levels of clarity to assist you to balance, focus and re-charge and provide exceptional deep comfort, solace and the:

Power of Peace.

Protocols & T & C's 5

Meet “Mr Paxton” and restore your faith in yourself to overcome any and all challenges and NEVER GIVE UP no matter how many odds are against you!

I have fallen down numerous ‘black holes’ in my life and overcome adversities that have challenged me beyond belief and ever-still my Spirit lovingly tells me: “Well, that’s another fine mess you got into, but you cannot fall down any deeper, so the only way is Up!”

My formulae: “Breakdown = Breakthrough!”

Mr Paxton and I beLIeVE in you………… 🙂 xx

If you are under severe ‘Psychic Attack’, you may further use the golden power of The Epsilon Symbol which is the Greek Symbol of Theta and has retained its positive scalar wave formation in the shape of a Comic Egg with a parallel bar in the centre which acts as a conducer of energy to block lower astral interference from astral planes, parallel or phantom matrices.

Point of Interest: The star Epsilon-Andromedae is a bright yellow star in Andromeda Galaxy which could be an entrance point for ‘safety codes’ to lovingly penetrate through to your Hologram, if you choose? Originally, we were one with this Dimension as a Twin Counterpart before the Fall which created separation and opened our Fields to psychic attack, alienation and feelings of loss and pain.

The Galactic Center and the Andromedan Galactic Core are intersecting. Another way to say this is that we are finally intersecting with the Original Core of our Creation, the Center point of All Union. There is an Aurora Platform that creates passage way between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy. .

Ascension Dictionary

Do your own research and connect in deep, yet focused meditation?

I send you blessings of GRACE as we transcend all lower frequencies into the remembrance of the true power of love and friendship.

Protocols & T & C's 6

UPDATE: 22nd July 2021

There could very well be a new ‘Epsilon Variant’ about the ‘pokey thing’ and I wish to assure you that the Epsilon Sequence is not related to this at all. It still maintains its vibratory pitch. However, check in with your heart and ask: “Is this safe for me to use, right now?” Or words to this effect… As you might want to lay off from using it just in case you get backlash?

Unfortunately, this has happened with some of our Organic Symbols where a wormhole can open up and loosh energy inverting original light components. However, there are still many that are strong-holds and the NP’s have not been able to infiltrate. Also Upgrades will continue….

source: King Smarty T.Channel

Finally, if after doing all of the aforementioned and things are still not shifting, or you’re feeling totally overwhelmed… Please contact me expressing whatever is on your mind and heart (in confidence) using CONNECT form stating “Portal of Grace in the subject box?

Although, please know with commitments I may not always be able to respond straight away; But I assure you I will read your Essence and it’ll be felt and heard to which I will lovingly Transmit subtle balancing, wholeness vibrations, if necessary?

This is done through ‘silent transmission’ which is infused into light-bodies to bring comfort and relief. My Higher Self Will only Transmit healing frequencies remotely with your expressed Higher-Self permission, through “Connect to Correct,” radionics.

Video: A Bright Star singing “Don’t Worry about a thing” to you, with Love and thanks x

Ultimately, your Higher Identity is the best form of loving protection, guidance-ship and truest assistance and the more you can build a connection together as an illumined Pillar of Light all through and around you will naturally increase your ability to trust what is real and what is not, in order to best serve you, Dear One!

waterfall ii

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” 
– W.B. Yeats


Within 24/36hrs after our Session I will send you a link to your Frequency-Folder * which will include audio recording of our Session. I will include the Video only if I feel its appropriate (due to storage capacity). Also extra relevant vibratory information: Images, Templates, Videos, sketches, Light-Coding’s etc which I feel resonate…..

This is strictly confidential to you! Whilst I may send similar reference material to others as appropriate, it will not hold the same vibratory khees as your unique Folder.

Please do not record our Session as I will do this to preserve optimum frequency resonance so it is not open to misaligned interference.

I naturally delete your FF in around ≈ 90 days from the date of our session, so please download it asap for your reference purposes, if you choose?

If at anytime, you wish me to delete your Frequency-Folder for whatever purposes, please email me using CONNECT form stating: “Please delete Frequency-Folder, Thank you!” and I shall do so asap.

Some essences might not make sense in the Now moment but upon future reflection in DRT (Divine Right Timing) more clarity will unfold as we often work many light-years in advance.

*please do not share the link to your Frequency-Folder with anyone to preserve unique energetics. Or rather ask in your heart if its okay to share this with a loved one in a personal capacity?


Please CLICK HERE for Cosmic Cascade, Energy Flush

Dear One,

Having a personal session is like opening a release valve and therefore things like burping and coughing can occur. Whilst, it is not my intention to interfere or restrict the bodies natural release, please be mindful of this and consider to turn away from the audio to direct this out into an open window to lessen the impact my end, so to speak.

Thank you for innerstanding. Au x

Light Templates

Most Images within this webspace are LIGHT TEMPLATES created (or taken) by AurorA’h (unless otherwise stated, or public domain) See: *

If you see something you like, please write to me using CONNECT form to ask my permission to use?  


You are free to SHARE any of my PODCASTS, mp3’s (free), writings, quotes etc if you either provide a link to this site or attribute my name as: AurorA’h Coral Rae / or simply AurorA’h 😉

Thank you, I am very grateful to you for passing the Flame On…. 🔥

However, I am lawfully as-King that you please do not download ANY Images from this website (unless purchased, given as a GIFT, or with my expressed permission). 

Not only are they vast Creations of artistic repertoire taking numerous hours/lifetimes to integrate frequency, vibrations, resonance & energetics;  But importantly, embody highest spiritual integrity, holding ‘Transmission Frequencies’ that profoundly respect their intention of purpose.

(These will not come through if misused in any way, shape or form and their mechanisms will instantly shut-down!). 

A Note: (My Artistic Frequency Names, change intermittently: AurorA/AurorA’h/AurorAh (“Au = GOLD & OR is GOLD + A is God and H is God’s Breath!”) AzurA’h (Azurite Race & AzurA Point). Adele Rae Coral (Adele: my birth middle name – Coral – My Oceanic Kingdoms and Rae: Raeons of Rainbow Light from Andromeda), (or a combination of the like…:-) This doesn’t mean I’m confused or non committing! Rather, they’re woven together in light-threads that hold differing oscillating vibrations – or sound tones – frequencies & energies relevant to each Creation.) ——— Arc of AurorA is symbolic of the Aurora Platforms and “FAIL-SAFE Harmonic Universe encoded to assist Earth in this Ascension Process. We also symbolise the AurorA Angels from the 7th Higher Heavens who harmonically assist with facilitating transduction of the Primal Light and Sound Fields to overwrite distortions in Earth’s Holographic Architecture.

Perhaps it’s not to get too caught into the ‘name brand’, so to speak: Rather see, feel, hear, sense, Tune of Soul of which lovingly transmits? 😉 Thank you!

Acknowledgments: *

(Audio music:: adapted by AurorA’h

Blog background: Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

unKnown Sources: *

Sometimes, I post videos from unKnown Sources that I would like to give credit to. If I have posted something that is copyrighted, please kindly CONNECT and I will acknowledge the Source or remove this as per your instruction. I do not want to infringe upon your space – only respectfully appreciate and acknowledge the Creativity of Soul. Thank you!

Date: Here & Now
Authored by: AurorA’h

This Waiver and Acknowledgement is my own creation. I am the author of it and therefore have authority over it. This Waiver and Acknowledgement was created with the intention to correct my status and notify all false gods, governments and their agents that I am the living woman endowed with God-given rights and sovereign free will. My God-given rights cannot be taken away from me and my personage and are above all corporate or state rules, orders, codes, acts, statutes, and regulations, and laws made by man or imposter man. I am not a legal fiction nor corporation. I am the living woman: And Holder of my Original, Core Manifestation, Blue print Template, infused and ignited in the image and representation of God.

Any and all men, women or false god, acting or not acting as a government agent, spy, entity, or clone who violates my God-given rights and causes harm to me or my properties in any way, shape or form shall answer to the Law: Lore: Natural Justice System of God. All thoughts, intentions, and actions are known by God and there is no escaping these Laws: Lores that are Absolute.

Waiver and Acknowledgment

From the beginning of Zero Point, with the Living God as my witness, I, AurorA’h, the living woman created in the image of the Living God, am acknowledging all blessings given by the Living God, surrendering all transgressions made against the Living God, and waiving all benefits without the Living God. And So It Is! Beloved I Am. Thank you!

Thank you

Please know: This Waiver and Acknowledgement was adapted from Pao of www.EsotericKnowledge.me, as inspired by Kurt Kallenbach, with great thanks.

angel K

An Angel Speaks Please know: If you book a session, set up an account, or order a Jewel from my Shop you will naturally be added to my mailing list. Intermittingly, I send out invites for Presentations/Transmissions etc… If however, you do not want to receive any communication, please unsubscribe when you receive this – as I do not want to impose.

Thank you! Au x

Ultimately, our focus of intention is FREEDOM: Freedom from mental bondage, slavery, mind control scripts, false-light architecture, illusions, hexes, spells, black magic, voodoo, archontrick deception, sexual misery programming’s, violations, subjugation, insecurities, guilt and trauma bindings, suicide beamer tech, false-light gurus, negative ego bondage, subCONscious implants, booby traps, mind-slides, holographic plug-ins, black-hole technologies, inner-child violators, matrick trickeries, false-world implants, holographic inserts, disease patterning’s, imposter spirits, AI tech, demonics, negative spirit bindings…. and

s0Me……… Phew 🙂

As you remember to free all limitations to Love✨

Freedom by Akaine

Holding your Torch of Light, as Defender Warriors of Truth!🔥

Breathe……… And Receive…………. Only what Serves Highest Good! Thank you!

Copyright 2020 Arc of AurorA (by AurorA’h). All rights reserved. This website: Arc of AurorA, is the property of the living woman, known to the public as Auror’Ah/AurorA’h AzurA’h: incl: Adele Rae Coral. All content and material on this website, including: Creativity Soul Studio ® The Deep Blue Courses ® and StarHeart Creator Studio ® and all Blueprint Creations – including but not limited to: Podcasts, Writings, Teachings, Presentations, Interviews, & beyond – are protected under God’s Natural Law which gives every living man or woman the natural right to express his or her thoughts through words, frequencies and vibrations. God’s Living Law: Lore is superior to all man-made laws, including but not limited to corporate and state rules, orders, codes, acts, statutes, and regulations, and therefore has the power to cancel, delete, disqualify and nullify these man-made laws. All superimposed man-made laws that are in violation of God’s Law: Lore are immediately null and void: disqualified in all Timelines, Dimensions and Parallels. Any man, woman or false god, acting or not acting as a government agent, spy, entity or clone who causes harm to the living woman, known to the public as AurorA’h: including any and ALL spiritual, soul names of embodiment must answer to cause and effect of God: And Guardians.

None of the information on this website is meant as a substitute for medical advice or legal advice. The information on this website is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. 

Waiver and Acknowledgement {T & C’s}logo AoA, Transpar

And So It Is! It is Done! Sealed in: Aurora Light of Dawn!


© 2021 : Arc of AurorA : Royal Emerald Order by AurorA’h

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