Showing 1–10 of 11 results

  • polars

    A Polar Ice Story


    WELCOME!  This superb collection includes:

    i) A Polar Ice Story – (Storybook Version)
    ii) A Polar Ice Story – (Meditation Version)

    (*bonus edition*)

    iii) Vibratory PDF Booklet of Transcribe…

    & oodles of Polar & Panda Cosmic Love…

  • Aurora Pillars of Light!


    – Frequency Stabiliser

    This is my Core Stabiliser, bringing Light, Colour % Sound resonating securely within 4 gigantic, Cathedral Pillars…

    This is truly “Lights, Camera, Action”.  To feel confidence and courage to take positive action in life!  Earthed & rooted, yet perfectly connected to Higher Codes of Truth!

    “Bouncing Bouncers” of tremendous strength, support and encouragement to fulfil Mission Codes undisturbed by electronic/inorganic interference and beyond..

  • golden aquilagolden aquila

    GOLDEN AQUILA: Voyagers of Discovery


    Please contact me before purchasing this Course due to some of the sensitive and controversial subject matters we discuss, so I can assess if you are vibrationally supported. Thank you. AurorA’h Please see here:

  • DNA-Mirror-Ball

    Happy Dancing Cells


    Higher Timelines MP3 TransMission


    An exquisite, phenomenal deeply freeing, Lightening Wave of activating New Paradigm Cells, Master Cell Optimiser..

  • Healthy Abundance

    Healthy AbunDance


    A ‘Golden Ticket’ to remembering natural, organic birth-right filled in empowering, evocative lightening style……

    TROPICAL FLAVOURS, infused in Nectar of Fruits as vibratory ‘Love-Cocktail’.

  • The-Tor

    Magnetic Coil, Grounding Cord!


    **A Gift from the Tor, Glastonbury……**

    A New Light, fast accelerating application into New Earth Codes, realising atomic structure as star, galaxy starlight, liquid light of Nebula, plasma waves and beyond…….

    Truly star-spectacular!

    Not to be missed!  Pulsating in starry, yet grounded dance waves of prose..

  • Monthly Maps: August 2022 – POWER SYMBOL and your Divine Blueprint


    This is an multi-sensory immersion experience and we will be performing a Presentation TransMission, guided meditation/activation, collective healing and Q & A’s and cannot say how long this will be, lets say 3-4 hours, could be more or less……. PLEASE HAVE A ‘RECORD CARD’ OR PAPER AND COLOURED PENS/PENCILS FOR DRAWING YOUR POWER SYMBOL. Thank you! Aux

  • Monthly Maps: June 2022 – Inner Earth – Inner Bodies


    Monthly Maps: June 2022 – Inner Earth – Inner Bodies

    Regular Monthly Maps: including Presentation/TransMission + Activation and Q & A’s and Group Sharing’s…….

  • Monthly Maps: October 2022 – Creativity Soul, Studio: LAUNCH PARTI-Ki


    All Monthly Maps are now offered through Heart Gifts.  Please see here:

    This is an multi-sensory immersion experience and we will be performing a Presentation TransMission, guided meditation/activation, collective healing and Q & A’s and cannot say how long this will be, lets say 3-4 hours, could be more or less……. PLEASE HAVE A ‘RECORD CARD’ OR PAPER AND COLOURED PENS/PENCILS/SPARKLES etc FOR SOUL TRANSMISSIONS. Thank you! Aux

  • Monthly Maps: September 2022 – Creativity Soul, Studio: LAUNCH PARTI-Ki



    This is an multi-sensory immersion experience and we will be performing a Presentation TransMission, guided meditation/activation, collective healing and Q & A’s and cannot say how long this will be, lets say 3-4 hours, could be more or less……. PLEASE HAVE A ‘RECORD CARD’ OR PAPER AND COLOURED PENS/PENCILS/SPARKLES etc FOR SOUL TRANSMISSIONS. Thank you! Aux